Can I See a Family Dentist in Gilroy During Pregnancy?

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Can I See a Family Dentist in Gilroy During Pregnancy?

While some people think you should avoid the family dentist in Gilroy when you are pregnant, the opposite is true. It is critical to visit the dentist during your pregnancy to protect yourself from various oral issues. The hormonal changes you experience during pregnancy can cause problems if not properly treated. Get the details to understand why you need to keep your regular dental appointments when you are pregnant.

Going to the family dentist in Gilroy when pregnant

Women are more prone to gingivitis, tooth decay and overgrowths on the gums when pregnant. These issues must be treated by the dentist to protect the health of the mother and the baby. Women can undergo a range of dental procedures, including X-rays, while pregnant. They can also get a local anesthetic for the treatments.


Many women experience what is commonly called pregnancy gingivitis. This condition is brought on by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. It begins as a gum inflammation that makes the tissue tender and swollen. Women might also notice bleeding when flossing. Women who experience this condition should go to the dentist regularly for examinations and cleanings. This will prevent the condition from progressing to periodontal disease.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is also common during pregnancy. Many women eat more carbohydrates than normal while pregnant. The sugars in the carbohydrates erode the enamel and cause decay. Morning sickness is also common during pregnancy. The acid also leads to enamel erosion and decay.

Dentists need to examine the mouth to look for early signs of decay. Professional cleanings also combat this issue. Dentists remove tartar and plaque, reducing the risk of decay. This might be required every few months.

Pregnancy tumors

Pregnancy tumors sound frightening, but these overgrowths are benign. The overgrowths appear due to the buildup of plaque between the teeth. The tumors are raw and uncomfortable and often bleed. Dentists can remove the tumors if necessary, although they usually go away after giving birth. Even if the tumors are not removed, a proper dental cleaning can help to prevent additional tumors from forming.

X-rays while pregnant

Dentists need to take X-rays to diagnose various dental issues. X-ray machines emit a low dose of radiation. Dentists take special care when X-raying pregnant women. Leaded aprons are used to protect the fetus. Dentists also cover other areas of the body during this process.

Anesthesia when pregnant

Women who require dental fillings or other procedures need to receive a numbing agent first. Researchers have determined that local anesthetics do not impact the pregnancy. Women can get anesthesia if needed without worry. While it is not needed for dental cleanings, dentists recommend anesthesia for other procedures.

Visit your dentist regularly

Going to your family dentist in Gilroy should be a part of your normal routine, even if you are pregnant. You are prone to oral issues such as gingivitis, cavities and pregnancy tumors when you are pregnant. Your dentist can take X-rays and provide treatment for you, so you can maintain your oral health while pregnant.

Request an appointment here: or call Gilroy Dental Associates at (408) 842-2818 for an appointment in our Gilroy office.

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